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UMFRAGE, this is any history​?

EXPERIMENTAL VIDEOPERFORMANCE in public spaces like Ibirapuera Parque and Centro de Referência da Dança da Cidade de São Paulo. 
Hands are a connection and survey instrument between what is ideal and material. Hands can build a history about nothing, but hands can build a history about a nation if we survey our humans rights and free expression. If you can not use your hands you can use anything that can touch democracy, like an ideia, voice or movement. 
These are dark times for dreamers in Brazil, but the resistence continues. Deixa a gira girar! ("Let the tour turn")
#elenão (hashtag against the neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro, who makes people believe that  his racist, violent and homophobic ideas can "fix" Brazil)

Production: Cellia Rodrigues and Bruno Henri
Shooting: Olívia Bandeira
Conception and Film Edition: Vitória Savini

Songs: Keep The Streets Empty for Me, Fever Ray / Hypnotized, LETRUX / Deixa a Gira Girar, Os Tincõas

Special thanks for Cellia Rodrigues, Bruno Henri e Olívia Bandeira and João Pirahy, that are always believing in me. 

© 2018 By Vitória Savini

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